Returning Soon

Sorry for the radio silence everybody. I almost did abandon this game but I figured it was unfair to all who supported. Admittedly my heart is not in this project as much as it used to be, but hopefully I can return with an update in the next month. 

Going forward in development, I will be disabling all subscriptions and only allowing one time donations. Obviously if you’ve already contributed that doesn’t apply. For right now because of the hiatus, I’d heavily advise you against contributing. Thank you everyone who’s supported or played the game. Hopefully I can return soon.


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(2 edits) (+1)

Anyone can deal with a hiatus, just check in every so often so we know it's not dropped. Also, its fine, Idm, and I don't think most people do either, unless they are a subscriber.

Thanks. It’s been about long enough I think. 


You should take a break and/or start a vastly different project to avoid burnout.

No need to beat yourself up about the muse not being there for the moment.

I’ve thought about that. Maybe a small side project to test coding and learn Twine mechanics. Part of the problem is how huge Prelude is and putting out the weekly updates made me burnout. 


take as much time as you need^^ we'll be waiting pacently
